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Adam Podgòrecki Prize >>> 2010
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS In 2010, the Podgórecki Prize will be awarded to an emerging socio-legal scholar for an outstanding published study, which may be in the form of a book, an article or a series of articles. The prize committee herewith invites nominations before 30 April 2010. Candidates are eligible if they have published one or more significant works within 10 years of having completed their doctorate. Nominations require the support from at least two members of the RCSL. Publications can be in any language. For works in languages other than those known by the prize committee, the nominators should ideally provide selected translations. To consider works in less well-known languages, the Prize committee can co-opt further members and consult other members of the RCSL. Nominations must include: - The candidate’s CV - A short statement from the nominators of the value of the candidate’s work - Three copies of all relevant publications The members of the 2010 Podgórecki Prize Committee are: Prof. Stephan Parmentier, Catholic University of Leuven (Stephan.Parmentier@law.kuleuven.be), Prof. Marina Kurkchiyan, Oxford University (mkurkchiyan@hotmail.com) and Prof. Luigi Cominelli, University of Milan (luigi.cominelli @unimi.it). Nominations and all supporting documents should be received by April 30th, 2010, at the following address: Prof. Stephan Parmentier, Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC), K.U.Leuven, Faculty of Law, Hooverplein 10, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.
(Source: RCSL Newsletter Fall 2009)